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Recycling options for polystyrene

Companies have long faced the difficulty of properly disposing of EPS in quantity. No more.

Remove E.P. from the environment

The multipurpose material known as expanded polystyrene (EPS) finds its way into many commonplace consumer goods. Due to its hardness and solidity, polystyrene is a versatile plastic that finds widespread application in packaging.

However, many businesses find that properly disposing of expanded polystyrene (EPS) is a major hassle, and the biodegradation process can take hundreds of years. Compacting and recycling EPS is a breeze with the correct machinery.

From costly, “airy” waste to condensed profits

The waste material polystyrene, which is composed of 95-98% air, has the potential to occupy a tremendous amount of space. It is common practice to bag EPS garbage and dispose of it in bulk, which can be quite expensive.

The first step in using a Mil-tek EPS Compactor machine is to shred the polystyrene in order to remove any remaining air and form. The next step is to heat, compress, and shape it into a block or briquette. This block has a total volume decrease of 40:1 (97.5% of its original volume), making it very dense (300 kg/m3).

Which EPS types are recyclable?

Molded sheets for construction and packing peanuts are among the several varieties of polystyrene, but EPS6 is by far the most used. Additionally, an EPS Compactor can only process this specific type of polystyrene.

It is possible to sell and recycle the processed EPS6 blocks into various plastic components, including those used in electronics, toys, and more. Consequently, you not only improve your company’s sustainability while cutting costs significantly compared to shipping your EPS waste in bulk to landfills, but you also create cash for your business.

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